Prologue: The Price of a Child (audio)
Chapter 1: High House (audio)
Chapter 2: The Country Girl (audio)
Chapter 3: The Widower’s Castle (audio)
Chapter 4: The City Dark (audio)
Chapter 5: The Queen’s Man (audio)
Chapter 6: The Prince of Narsil (audio)
Chapter 7. The House of Birds (audio)
Chapter 8: The Nightbird and the Cardinal (audio)
Chapter 9: The Prince and His Father (audio)
Chapter 10: Into the Heart (audio)
Chapter 11: Fire and Water (audio)
Chapter 12: An Unexpected Betrothal (audio)
Chapter 13: The Sisterhouse (audio)
INTERLUDE: The Forgotten Prince (audio)
Chapter 14: The Discontented (audio)
Chapter 15: The Treasonous (audio)
Chapter 16: The Priest
Chapter 17: The Prince of Bryghala
Chapter 18: Winter’s Eve
Chapter 19: Past Midnight
Chapter 20: The Uncrowned Emperor
Chapter 21: The Crypt
INTERLUDE: The Prince’s Woman
Chapter 22: The Old Hound
Chapter 23: Blind Tower
Chapter 24: Dernbridge
Chapter 25: The Warrior Princess
Chapter 26: Blood and Snow
Chapter 27: The Bridge
Chapter 28: The Court
Chapter 29: Westward
FINALE: The Prince Goes South